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Why would pool water be cloudy?
Cloudy water can be caused for a number of reasons: poor filtration, imbalance of chemicals in your pool such as total alkalinity, pH, calcuim hardness and chlorine, imbalance of total chlorine and fr
Why would my pool water be green?
Why is my pool water green?   If your pool water is green you have algae.   To address this issue, you must first look at why the pool turned green. Test your pool wate
How do I maintain the proper level of chemicals in my swimming pool?
Proper pool water chemistry is vitally important to your comfort in the swimming pool as well as helping your pool equipment last as long as possible.   In order to properly maintain your
What is ORP and how does it relate to my pool water?
ORP is an acronym that stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential.   This is a direct measurement of the effectiveness of the sanitizer in your pool water. It is affected by the level of sta